New Year, New You: Digital Advertising Resolutions for 2023

Exercising more. Eating better. Getting more sleep.

These are all common New Year’s Resolutions that people take up each new year. And, yes, these are oftentimes much easier said than done. However, these commitments to change, can do wonders for your physical wellbeing and mental health.

And when it comes to digital advertising, a little change can also work wonders as well. Here are three vows that can spark a fresh start in 2023.

1.  Don’t disregard data

Data doesn’t have to be difficult. You can find meaning in metrics. But it is essential that you know where to look. And sort the significant, from the irrelevant. Credible data and solid data analysis are essential for campaign success. With data, advertisers can better understand their customers, create personalized advertising experiences, and gather constructive insights. Data is there to give a digital roadmap, but you must be able to follow the correct signs.

2. Get back to the basics

Each passing year brings more and more capabilities to the digital ecosystem. But instead of fixating on the newest and shiniest, commit to returning to the fundamentals. Stop of hunting for a magic fix-all hack, and apply proven solutions and tools. If you want to start the new year off right, make a renewed effort to track consumer behavior shifts, set up systems to pull insights from the data regularly, and make data-driven strategic decisions based on insights and historical trends. Despite uncontrollable and unpredictable factors, employing proven strategies can empower advertisers.

3. Stop procrastinating

It's easy to think advertisers have all the time in the world before the cookieless future becomes a reality since Google has repeatedly delayed the deprecation of third-party cookies. But a future without cookies will be here, eventually. It is best to start prepping now. Many tools and tactics can help prepare for a cookieless world, such as contextual targeting, geotargeting, and using more first-party data to personalize ads. However, none of them are perfect. You'll have to test, tweak, and evaluate each one to see how and where it works. Best of all, by testing these solutions today, advertisers have the safety net of third-party cookies to fall back on. Starting now, advertisers can get the kinks out before cookies are obsolete.


Non-Profit Digital Marketing Strategies for 2023


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