Listen up: Brand engagement boosted by audio advertising

With attention spans shrinking, cutting through the metaphorical noise has always been a challenge for brands in connecting with their audience.

Audio advertising provides a powerful ally in this battle for engagement. This is due in part to audio’s intimate vibe, like a close friend chatting with us one-on-one.

But with the rise of digital tech, audio has become a whole new piece of the media pie.

Today, we can listen to nearly anything, from music and podcasts to talk and audiobooks, and digital audio has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, from working out to prepping for bed.

That's why brands are getting in on the audio action, too. With things like sonic branding and voice interactivity, audio is a top trend for digital advertising in 2023.

So, how can marketers take advantage of this? Well, audio ads are actually super effective (surprise, surprise), and people are tuning in from everywhere.

To drive performance, marketers can tap into consumer listening habits and use audio ads effectively. Consumers are tuning in everywhere and the statistics show that audio ads are very effective in creating engagement and driving action.

Check out these stats to see just how effective audio advertising can be:

  • 93% of the brain’s engagement with audio content transfers directly into ad engagement.

  • 86% of consumers recall ads on podcasts more than any other channel.

  • 53% of smart speaker owners respond to ads heard on their device.

  • 61% of audio listeners stay tuned through ads compared to only 19% of TV viewers actively watching TV ads.

  • 74% of consumers report visiting a company or product’s website as a result of hearing an ad on a podcast they regularly listen to. Additionally, 72% would consider a new product or service, 65% have made a purchase, and 54% have visited a store because of a podcast ad.

  • Podcast ads of 30 seconds or fewer drive a six-point increase in consumer intent to seek out information about the brand. This intent jumps another two points if the ad includes a call-to-action (CTA).

So listen up, audio advertising is a powerful and proven tool for brands looking to connect with their audience in a meaningful way. So tune into your audience and prime them for engagement by including digital audio in your next media plan.


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