B2B Marketers: Stay ahead with targeting, channels and data

The B2B advertising landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, witnessing a remarkable shift towards digital platforms. Back in 2019, digital ad spend accounted for merely 29 percent of the total B2B ad expenditure. However, as of 2023, it has surged impressively to 47 percent, marking a staggering 62 percent growth in just a few years.

Numerous factors have fueled this digital transformation. The COVID-19 pandemic played a pivotal role, accelerating the adoption of digital marketing strategies. Additionally, the emergence of a younger demographic among B2B buyers, prolonged economic uncertainty, and a considerable increase in advertising budgets have all contributed to this paradigm shift.

As the digital revolution continues to reshape the B2B advertising landscape, marketers now face the challenge of striking the perfect balance between various channels and targeting approaches to effectively reach their key consumers.

To navigate this dynamic environment successfully, here are some invaluable tips and insights tailored specifically for B2B marketers in 2023 to further tap into their still somewhat elusive and high-value audiences.

By embracing these strategies, they can capitalize on the opportunities and stay ahead of the curve and continue to grow performance metrics in the ever-evolving digital advertising landscape.

How to achieve a successful B2B marketing campaign?

To craft a successful B2B campaign, marketing teams must focus on their unique brand story and its effective delivery. Identifying the right audience and choosing the appropriate channel to reach them are vital components of a winning strategy. With the digital revolution, marketers have numerous opportunities to target specific audiences with precision. Digital channels like CTV, digital audio, social media, and digital out-of-home are gaining traction. Harnessing these channels enables B2B marketers to connect with their intended audience more efficiently and avoid unnecessary spending on reaching broad audiences.

What's the biggest opportunity in B2B advertising?

Effective segmentation and targeting present a significant opportunity for B2B advertisers. The proliferation of digital channels has allowed advertisers to delve deeper into audience segmentation and capitalize on digital segmenting, targeting, and measuring capabilities. B2B advertisers often seek to connect with a specific group of people, necessitating tailored messaging and strategic ad spend. Investing in robust audience data and utilizing it strategically is essential for success, as it helps focus on specific audiences, avoid ad spend wastage, and improve impression thresholds for targeted campaigns.

What should B2B advertisers prioritize?

B2B teams should dedicate more time and attention to maintaining clean and organized data. It's crucial to have confidence in the compliance measures taken by partners handling customer data. To mitigate risks and ensure adherence to privacy regulations, B2B advertisers should aim to capture leads directly, preferably through form fills on their own websites. Taking control of lead generation allows for better lead qualification and privacy compliance, safeguarding both customer data and brand reputation.

How to activate first party data?
Discover the B2B advantage by activating your first-party data! Imagine launching campaigns with a head start, gaining valuable insights from day one. With Fetch by Subset, utilize data collaboration to unlock powerful insights, increase brand value, and optimize efficiency and effectiveness. Harness the potential of your high-value first-party data. Whether it's an internal CRM list or specific criteria, we precisely identify your target audience, providing a holistic profile with social, professional, and personal details.

Through our advanced process, we trace your target's interactions across various touchpoints, ensuring no duplications or wasted impressions. Fetch, prioritizes ethical data usage. Our anonymization process safeguards privacy and protection for your leads, ensuring responsible and respectful data handling. Gain the B2B advantage today.

As B2B marketers navigate the evolving advertising landscape in 2023, focusing on targeted strategies, digital channels, and data privacy will be key to staying ahead of the competition and driving successful campaigns.


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