Tapping into cross-device targeting connects touchpoints

Voice-activated speakers, smart watches, connected TVs, tablets, and cell phones. Today’s consumer is more connected to the internet that ever. But with each user utilizing a multitude of devices how can brand effectively and efficiently keep track of consumer touchpoints?The average American household has access to more than 10 connected devices, according to a recent survey. While these are 10 opportunities to get a unique message to an audience, navigating the consumer journey across platforms, channels, and varying devices isn’t a seamless experience.One major hurdle is competing technologies, platforms and device manufactures don’t exactly have a ton of incentive share data between each other and further complicating matters is technical differences can make communication between devices even harder to translate.So how can you keep track of performance across devices? By harnessing cross device targeting.Targeting across multiple devices is a process of reaching one user across all the devices they are using. The concept of cross-device targeting might be familiar if you have used sequential creative messaging, layered third-party audiences on CTV inventory, or wanted to extend the reach of a hyperlocal campaign.When it comes to cross-device tracking, there are two major data methods: deterministic and probabilistic.Deterministic data relies on a one-to-one match between devices through login data. Almost any company that requires its customers to log in can create a deterministic data set-since their login information remains the same no matter what device they login with. Deterministic data is highly accurate, but its scale is limited since matching consumers to devices is based on a single data point.Probabilistic data utilizes multiple of data points such as device type, operating system, browsing history, and IP address. Using advanced audience models, data companies can determine whether a set of devices - or a device graph - belonged to the same person. The scale of probabilistic data is not limited, so it is most advertisers' first choice when it comes to cross-device targeting.By harnessing cross-device tracking, advertisers can better understand the customer journey and better track direct response actions. Understanding the touchpoints along the path, and what creatives, channels, and devices are most beneficial along each phase will lead to better planning and smarter campaigns moving forward. We hope you enjoyed this article. For more subSpace blog content click HERE


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