6 Reasons Display Ads Remain Supreme

Display ads, the internet's billboards. The pioneering online advertising format remains one of its best.

These bad boys are still kicking it as one of the most effective forms of digital advertising around. Whether they're some fancy rich-media or simple static banners, the goal remains the same. You want to align your brand with top-notch content on reputable websites while targeting folks who are interested in that contextually relevant stuff. Display ads are direct: simple, eye-catching, and effective.

Now, why are these digital billboards still all the rage in 2023? Let’s dive deeper:

Make your brand look like a million bucks: Display ads can make your ads standout like an A-lister on the red carpet. You can splash graphics, killer call-to-actions, and sprinkle your brand's unique flavor across every set. It's like dressing up your brand in a swanky outfit that turns heads. And because you can align your brand with reputable, respected, and relevant publications you get the rub that with comes with that instilling a sense of value to your prospective consumers. The metrics might not be apples-to-apples to search or social ads, but boy oh boy, the reach and potential to build brand momentum is massive.

Grab attention and create some serious brand buzz: While paid search ads target people who are actively searching for your stuff, display ads are like sneaky devils that get in front of them before they even know they need your product. Not only does it promote initial interest and brand awareness it also sparks curiosity, and a curious customer is a valuable one. Plus, programmatic advertising has gotten even smarter at finding potential customers early on. Ad tech can tap into a vast collection of exclusive and elusive inventory, allowing advertisers to charm high-value prospects in the early stages of their consumer journey.

Bullseye targeting: Display ads are like a well-placed puzzle piece in a marketing plan. They can adapt to any audience or content you want and help deliver a fuller picture. Display ads are perfect for boosting brand awareness and driving traffic to your site, which is why they're a staple in nearly every campaign. You can slice and dice your audience based on location, language, interests, gender, device preference (desktop or mobile), and heck, even income! So, rest assured, your ads will hit the right people, at the right time, in the right place.

Stalking your customers (in a good way): Ah, retargeting, the cupid of ads. You serve targeted ads to people who have visited your website or are already on your contact list. These sneaky ads help you reconnect with potential customers who haven't sealed the deal yet. They keep your brand on their minds, boost product recognition, and increase the chances of conversion. When done right, retargeting is a budget-friendly way to reach interested buyers who already know a bit about your brand. It's like whispering, "Hey, remember me? I'm still here, ready to fulfill your desires."

Success at your fingertips: You got to keep track of your success. Display ads make it super easy to measure your performance. You can see how many times your ad has been ogled at and how many times it's been clicked. It's like having your own private detective agency for how your brand is doing in market. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can even do some A/B testing with different elements like text, images, and colors. So, you'll know what's a hit and what's a total flop before you go full throttle in unleashing your brand to the world.

And last but not least...

They won't drain your bank account: Unlike other high-maintenance marketing campaigns like paid social and paid search advertising, display ads are surprisingly budget-friendly. They're perfect for dipping your toes in the water, figuring out what works, and squeezing every ounce of efficiency and effectiveness out of your budget – this is where you get the most bang for your buck.

So, there you have it, the lowdown on display ads and why they continue to rock the advertising world even in 2023. They make your brand shine, grab attention, target like a boss, stalk potential customers (in a non-creepy way), let you measure success, and all that without breaking the bank.


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