Tips to be more eco-conscious for Earth Day and beyond

Earth Day is a great annual reminder to be mindful of the planet we all live on.By adopting any of the practices below we can all do a small part in helping to ensure our natural environment remains heathy for future generations.

Walking - Help yourself while helping our planet. Ditch the car and choose to walk to your next local destination. It may take you a bit longer, but your health and Earth will thank you. You may even notice positive changes in your mood from walking outside. It’s an all around win for everyone!

Buy secondhand - One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. Not only is buying pre-owned usually lighter on the wallet, it prevents items from being discarded early, and extends their lifecycle.

Avoid single-use containers  - Utilize a reusable water bottle or coffee mug. This small change not only prevents excess paper and plastic waste, it will typically keep your beverage of choice hotter or colder for much longer than its single-use analogues.

Buy less, invest in higher quality products - Quality over quantity. One way to avoid collecting too much junk, is trying to avoid buying it in the first place. Quality products, while being a bit more of an initial investment tend to outlast their cheap counterparts, which leads to less waste and less wasted money in the long run.

Adopt reusable bag practices - Single use bags usually make one trip to your home from and then another to the landfill. By adopting reusable bags you can keep hundreds of bags a year from ending up in the garbage or at the very least from filling up your pantry or junk drawer.

Ditch paper products - Paper towels and paper plates are hugely popular but also quite wasteful. Using cloth napkins and reusable plates can save trees and is easier on landfills. 

Be conservative with electricity - Turning off lights in rooms you aren’t using can not only save you money each month but it is more environmentally friendly. If you want to go the extra mile try unplugging appliances you aren’t using like the coffee pot and toaster. 

Shop local - The less shipping the better. Local farms, farmers markets, and community gardens are a great way to help support the community while being eco-friendly. By increasing local shopping, we encourage less outsourcing and a lower use in resources towards shipping. 

Invest in impoverished areas - Although not as obvious as recycling, impoverished communities don’t have the resources or the privilege of always being eco friendly. Food and housing insecurity leaves little room to worry about recycling. Investing time, money, and goods to impoverished populations helps the environment as well as the people who live in it.

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