Essential Books to Read for the Weekend

Atomic Habits / James Clear - An easy read with simple but effective tactics to uplevel your life in every way with the 1% better mentality. How to Win Friends and Influence People / Dale Carnegie - A good read for someone who is focused on self-improvement and wants to be less anxious in daily situations. The Art of Racing in the Rain / Garth Stein - A heartwarming and funny book about a race car driver told from the point of view of his Golden Retriever Enzo. Slaughterhouse Five / Kurt Vonnegut – An anti-war, satire, dark comedy, sci-fi romp through space and time. A true modern classic that is likely unlike most anything you have read before. “So it goes.”On the Road / Jack Kerouac – The ultimate road trip book. Kerouac’s signature stream of consciousness style has the reader living in the American places and moments as the journey unfolds. A book so steeped in culture, or in this case counterculture, its resonance helped to set the tone for the 1960s in America.A River Runs Through It / Norman Maclean  The Montanans among us are predisposed to enjoy this semi-autobiographical novel that takes on life’s philosophical questions through fly fishing.It Ends With Us / Colleen Hoover - A contemporary romance novel, with a dose of heavy, real-life situations. Demonstrating the importance of empowerment, self-love, and respect. The Twilight Saga / Stephenie Meyer – It’s a beautifully-told saga of vampires, werewolves, and romance. We hope you enjoyed this article. For more subSpace blog content click HERE


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