Happy National Cheese Day

No need to feel bleu, Saturday is National Cheese Day! In honor of this coagulated milk protein Subset has put together a list of fun facts, favorite varieties, and even a few cheddar than ever recipes. We really think this list is the brie’s knees, and we’ve definitely delivered the goudas. Fetta or not, here we go… Chuck’s Easiest N Cheesiest Mac N Cheese RecipeIs this the world’s best Mac N Cheese? Hard no. Is it as easy as throwing the instant blue bowl in the science oven? Also, no. This recipe, however, is the easiest “scratch-made” mac you can pack. Three simple ingredients in equal portions yields a delicious elbow noodle cheddar bomb that will impress your guests and won’t turn into concrete in the fridge. I like to serve it with broccoli and fresh tomato. A little hot Italian sausage doesn’t hurt either.The beauty of this recipe is that it’s so easy to scale and modify because everything is measured in equal portions (a kitchen scale is recommended for this task). I have found that four ounces of each ingredient makes a hefty portion for each person being fed. The following will be listed in 12 oz measures for three-four people, but you can adjust per your needs.Ingredients:

  • 12 oz (weight) pasta of your choice
  • 12 oz (fl oz) Evaporated Milk
  • 12 oz (weight) Cheese (I use a blend of sharp cheddar, gruyere, and parmesan. Freshly graded obviously)


  1. Place pasta in a wide pan and just barely cover with water
  2. Bring to a boil and lower heat to simmer till pasta is just short of al dente
  3. Add evaporated milk and heat on low till hot (about two minutes)
  4. Remove from heat and fold in cheese a small amount at a time till gooey and delicious
  5. Season as desired and enjoy. 

 5-Ingredient Cup O’ Cheese In less than ten minutes, you can prepare a silky-smooth sauce that uses real cheddar (not processed). This no-frills, cheddar sauce is best served over chips, fries, hot dogs, or anything else that could use some extra cheesy sauce. Ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup milk (whole or 2%)
  • 4 ounces freshly-grated sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Grate cheese, and set aside.
  2. Melt the butter over low heat in a medium saucepan and stir in flour. Whisk until smooth.
  3. As you pour in the milk and salt, whisk continuously until the milk and flour mixture are combined. Bring sauce to a full boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the sauce thickens.
  4. Remove the mixture from the pan. Fold in the cheese and stir gently until smooth. Add additional salt to taste, serve immediately. 

 Cheese Facts 

  1. Having cheese before bed increases the likelihood of having a good night's sleep.
  2. Eating cheese has been linked to dental health and less tooth decay.
  3. There are more than 2000 varieties of cheese. Mozzarella is the favorite globally, and the most consumed cheese.
  4. The hole size in swiss cheese is regulated by the USDA and holes cannot be larger than 3/8ths of an inch.
    • Bonus Swiss Cheese fact: The more swiss cheese you have the more holes you have the more holes you have the less cheese you have so “more cheese = less cheese”
  5. Mozzarella cheese is sometimes used on roads to melt ice due to its high salt content. A few cities in Wisconsin use this practice.

 Subset’s favorite cheeses! Pepper JackCheddar Mozzarella

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