Popular media channels: best uses and red flags

Three of the main channels to consider when designing a programmatic strategy are audio, video, and display. Check out why each format is appropriate, when to use it, and a few red flags to watch out for.


Internet advertising's first channel is still one of the most effective. No matter what kind of banner you use, the goal is the same. Make sure your brand is aligned with high-quality, adjacent content on reputable publications, while leveraging contextually relevant interests and audience behavior.

Best Use: Display advertising can be used for almost any purpose, but it is most useful when driving actions, since consumers are accustomed to clicking display ads to learn more or take action.

Strategy red flags: The use of the same creative for months on end or the lack of a clear call to action. Ideally, display creative is updated every 4-6 weeks, and CTAs should be properly aligned to the campaign phases and objectives.

VideoVideo allow advertisers to the most of the play button. Immerse your audience in your brand's story. Video is one of the most effective ways to engage, inspire, and motivate a captivated audience.Best Use: Video works well for awareness campaigns that measure reach and completion. As well as communicating brand differentiators and explaining a nuanced product, video works wonders for brands and products.

Strategy red flags: Comparing programmatic video performance to social video performance is a big red flag. Programmatic video and connected TV are consumed before or between other content, and aren't always displayed with companion banners. While these videos are effective at raising awareness, consumers are not always inclined to leave their content to click through to a website, making them ineffective for converting.


Unlock the power of streaming music, podcasts, and more. Audiences are listening, so make sure your message is heard. Boost brand awareness and engage your audience with personal and tailored audio messages.

Best Use: Awareness campaigns with KPIs based on reach and completion.

Strategy Red Flags: Audio should not be used as the primary ad format to drive conversions. Advertisers should always complement audio placements with display ads in order to maximize efficiency and scale, even though campaign-specific promo codes and landing pages have made considerable progress.


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