The Key Importance of Strategic Thinking

Did you know that almost 8 out of 10 employees at advertising agencies feel they're not exceeding client expectations?

It's quite surprising given that the digital media industry was built on the idea of using technology to do better — to reach more people and be more effective. Yet, even with all these tools, expectations are often still falling short.

So, why does this happen? The answer is simple: a weak foundation.

No matter how advanced the technology you have is, it can't fix a flawed plan or unrealistic goals.

But don’t fret, we can address it. And by focusing in on a strategic approach we can get back to meeting — and exceeding — expectations.

Building Trust through Smart Planning

Another recent survey asked digital advertising clients and agencies what skills they value the most. Both groups agreed on one thing: smart strategy.

Digital advertising isn't a magical solution. It can't solve issues like a weak brand, not knowing your customers well, poorly designed web pages, complicated forms, or a difficult path to purchase.

Furthermore, it is imperative that you prioritize your objectives. The right strategy depends on what you're aiming for. Different platforms, placements, and messages have pros and cons. You need to figure these out and adjust them to match your overall goals before launching a campaign.

And don't worry if you don't have all the answers – digital advertising can help you find them. Unsure about your target audience or the best places to show your ads? Maybe you want to try out new methods.

A preliminary campaign can give you useful insights and help you learn new things. But remember, this takes time and patience. However, it's worth it. When your foundation is strong, you can make the most of what you learn and optimize your efforts. This is where you become effective and efficient. 

Keep It Realistic: Promise Less, Deliver More

Another challenge is that many modern media agencies are seen as "yes" people to their clients. They're often reacting to requests instead of being proactive and strategic.

But you can be different. Just because others are skipping the planning stage and the specialized skills needed to establish long-term success doesn't mean you have to do the same.

Subset is committed to thoughtful approaches that lead to big successes, not quick fixes.

Specifically, it's about the strategy and discussions that elevate a client's position. There needs to be smart conversations that might involve some back-and-forth and even disagreements with clients. Being willing to take risks and keeping an eye on what's working and what's not are important.

Digital agencies should regain their strategic role and become trusted advisors instead of just following orders. We're not afraid to have those conversations and set things up for success.

Let’s get back to strategy. If we do that, you’ll achieve more goals and disappointed clients will be a thing of the past.


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