Emerging identity solutions for the upcoming cookieless future

The third-party cookie is set to crumble completely in the latter half of 2024. This implies that in just over a year, the cookieless future will be the cookieless present.

To adequately prepare, the advertising industry must explore all feasible identity solutions moving forward. Collaborating with an independent solution owner with the greatest scale or multiple solution owners is the best long-term option.

By working as a group, examining options, and sharing principles, the impact on customers can be minimized. With this in mind, let's take a look at three groups that are currently developing innovative identity solutions:

  1. IAB Project Rearc: In February 2020, the International Advertising Bureau (IAB) introduced Project Rearc, a global initiative aimed at bringing stakeholders across the digital advertising and media supply chain together to re-architect digital marketing in a united effort to harmonize personalization and consumer privacy. As part of this initiative, IAB Tech Lab launched its Global Privacy Platform in June 2022, which is a mechanism for transmitting consumer choice signals from websites and mobile apps to advertising technology companies.

  2. LiveRamp RampID: LiveRamp created IdentityLink in 2016, which is now known as RampID. The technology enables the resolution of hundreds of different identifiers for consumers used on devices and marketing platforms in a privacy-compliant manner. Regardless of whether the data is offline or online, first-party CRM or third-party behavioral, online exposure data or mobile app download data, it can all be linked back to a unique, privacy-safe identifier at the consumer level.

  3. Unified ID 2.0: Unified ID 2.0 (UID 2.0) is an open-source ID framework that employs hashed and encrypted email addresses. This ID will remain open and universal while introducing upgrades to consumer privacy and transparency. Unlike other solutions in development, UID 2.0 is free to publishers and advertisers. UID 2.0 will operate across advertising channels, providing advertisers with insights into campaign performance across streaming TV, browsers, mobile, audio, and TV apps and devices.

The Subset team knows advertisers who value first-party data, explore cookieless media options, optimize campaigns based on real-time insights, and use privacy-compliant identity solutions are best suited to be prepped and ready for the cookieless world.


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