Display and Paid Search: Comparing and Pairing the two

In terms of digital advertising, display and paid search are two of the most time-tested channels.

In addition to being two of the most well-known types of online ads, the formats have also been around for decades, each with a proven track record of success.

And just because these two channels are established, it doesn’t mean they are any less relevant. In fact, in 2023 both channels are projected at around $110 billion dollars each in total ad spend.

Even though both channels make up a significant share of digital advertising, they differ in some important ways. A better understanding of their inherent differences, as well as when and how both should be used, can lead to a more robust, strategic, and successful media strategy.

Display advertising offers an opportunity to reach people across the web proactively, with a more "push" approach. The channel is often viewed as the best for building brand awareness, and usually considered an upper-funnel and mid-funnel tactic (outside of retargeting efforts). There's a lot of value in first impressions.

Paid search, on the other hand, uses a "pull" approach, where consumers search directly for your product. Advertisers pay only for clicks with this channel, which targets hand-raisers solely based on intent. As a result, clicks have a higher value than impressions.

So while both channels have their sweet spots, it really isn’t until advertisers pair these powerful ad types that performance truly becomes maximized.  

Studies show that programmatic display advertising, partnered with paid search, is the foundation to many full-funnel ad campaigns and provides powerful results and an overall performance lift. Additionally, by partnering these two channels learnings can be shared between the two, particularly around audiences, messaging, and markets, leading to a more informed and more efficient strategy.


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