Stop with magic solutions, real key to campaign success is consistency

The digital advertising industry is obsessive about solutions. Finding singular problems and coming up with “proprietary” fix.

The issue with an issue du jour approach lies in its singularity.

Individual factors can influence but do not solely deliver results. Advertising performance is multi-dimensional.

When tasked with driving true performance the first step shouldn’t be to adopting the flavor of the week. Instead, a multi-faceted fundamental approach is key.

Brands that truly move the needle penetrate the market by being consistent and visible. And to achieve this, that consistency permeates across all factors that can influence results.

These performance pillars are audience, channel, strategy, message, and metrics.

So, what is the trick to finding out what is really working? Again, it is simple, consistency.

Too often brands are constantly changing all the above.

Seasoned advertising practitioners know to evaluate campaign outcomes, each of these must be looked through their own lens to analyze how it is influencing performance. And all trends are subject to time. To properly measure, eliminate waste, stop guessing, and to meaningfully assess, marketers don’t need a magic bullet, what they need instead is — patience.

This foundation approach is rooted in just that, a foundation. And the best way to establish that foundation is by employing a consistent, aka evergreen campaign, that remains steady in its approach across all five of the performance pillars. By doing so, the brand can test things such as message or audiences while leaving the other pillars unchanged. To aid in effectiveness, it is best to employ this foundational campaign at the awareness/prospecting phase so that its learnings can be applied, integrated and extrapolated upon elsewhere in time.

Consistency is vital in establishing true brand connection. So instead of constantly scrambling between manufactured stopgaps, take a breath, relax and take the time to isolate what is working and what is not and have an adaptative strategy that evolves instead of sprinting to the shiniest new solution.


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