TrendSet: Mobile share of ad spend continues to spike

We’re phoning in this blog.

That’s because mobile devices are so ubiquitous now-days. Heck most of you are probably reading this on your phone right now. And brands have taken notice.

As consumer behaviors continues to shift more and more toward a mobile-first environment, advertisers are adjusting their advertising in response to mobile’s dominance.

U.S. adults are projected to spend more than 4 and ½ hours per day on their mobile devices in 2023. Which makes up for more than 53 percent of their digital activities and more than third of their time exposed to all media.

Part of the rise in mobile is attributed to the adoption of digital audio with both podcasts and streaming music. Digital audio represents on average nearly 1 hour and 30 minutes of total mobile usage per day.

Outside of digital audio, another factor driving mobile is gaming. Smartphone gaming has seen widespread adoption in recent years with more that 54 percent of the U.S. population playing mobile games.

Mobile is trending. Taking a mobile-first approach can help brands build stronger, more lasting connections with their audiences.


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